Bridge++  Ver. 2.0.2
ASolver_SAP< AFIELD > Member List

This is the complete list of members for ASolver_SAP< AFIELD >, including all inherited members.

ASolver()ASolver< AFIELD >inline
ASolver_SAP()ASolver_SAP< AFIELD >inlineprotected
ASolver_SAP(AFopr_dd< AFIELD > *fopr, const block_index_t *block_index)ASolver_SAP< AFIELD >inline
block_index_t typedefASolver_SAP< AFIELD >
class_nameASolver_SAP< AFIELD >static
class_nameASolver_SAP< AFIELD >
class_nameASolver_SAP< AFIELD >
flop_count()ASolver_SAP< AFIELD >virtual
get_fopr()ASolver_SAP< AFIELD >inlinevirtual
GIVEN enum valueASolver< AFIELD >
init(void)ASolver_SAP< AFIELD >protected
InitialGuess enum nameASolver< AFIELD >
m_block_indexASolver_SAP< AFIELD >protected
m_foprASolver_SAP< AFIELD >protected
m_min_res_iterASolver_SAP< AFIELD >protected
m_NconvASolver_SAP< AFIELD >protected
m_nconvASolver_SAP< AFIELD >protected
m_NiterASolver_SAP< AFIELD >protected
m_pASolver_SAP< AFIELD >protected
m_rASolver_SAP< AFIELD >protected
m_sap_minresASolver_SAP< AFIELD >protected
m_Stop_condASolver_SAP< AFIELD >protected
m_vlASolver< AFIELD >protected
m_xASolver_SAP< AFIELD >protected
real_t typedefASolver_SAP< AFIELD >
RHS enum valueASolver< AFIELD >
set_init_mode(const InitialGuess init_guess)ASolver< AFIELD >inlinevirtual
set_parameter_verboselevel(const Bridge::VerboseLevel vl)ASolver< AFIELD >inline
set_parameters(const Parameters &params)ASolver_SAP< AFIELD >virtual
set_parameters(const int Niter, const real_t Stop_cond)ASolver_SAP< AFIELD >
solve(AFIELD &xq, const AFIELD &b, int &nconv, real_t &diff)ASolver_SAP< AFIELD >virtual
tidyup(void)ASolver_SAP< AFIELD >protected
ZERO enum valueASolver< AFIELD >
~ASolver()ASolver< AFIELD >inlinevirtual
~ASolver_SAP()ASolver_SAP< AFIELD >inline