Ver. 2.0.2
This is the complete list of members for Communicator, including all inherited members.
abort() | Communicator | static |
broadcast(int count, dcomplex *data, int sender) | Communicator | static |
broadcast(int count, double *data, int sender) | Communicator | static |
broadcast(int count, float *data, int sender) | Communicator | static |
broadcast(int count, int *data, int sender) | Communicator | static |
broadcast(int count, string &data, int sender) | Communicator | static |
Communicator() | Communicator | inlineprivate |
Communicator(const Communicator &) | Communicator | inlineprivate |
exchange(int count, dcomplex *recv_buf, dcomplex *send_buf, int idir, int ipm, int tag) | Communicator | static |
exchange(int count, double *recv_buf, double *send_buf, int idir, int ipm, int tag) | Communicator | static |
exchange(int count, float *recv_buf, float *send_buf, int idir, int ipm, int tag) | Communicator | static |
exchange(int count, int *recv_buf, int *send_buf, int idir, int ipm, int tag) | Communicator | static |
finalize() | Communicator | static |
get_time() | Communicator | static |
grid_coord(int *grid_coord, const int rank) | Communicator | static |
grid_dims(int *grid_dims) | Communicator | static |
grid_rank(int *rank, const int *grid_coord) | Communicator | static |
init(int *pargc, char ***pargv) | Communicator | static |
ipe(const int dir) | Communicator | static |
is_primary() | Communicator | static |
is_primary_master() | Communicator | static |
npe(const int dir) | Communicator | static |
operator=(const Communicator &) | Communicator | private |
recv_init(int count, int idir, int ipm) | Communicator | static |
recv_init(int count, int idir, int ipm, void *buf) | Communicator | static |
reduce_max(int count, double *recv_buf, double *send_buf, int pattern=0) | Communicator | static |
reduce_max(int count, float *recv_buf, float *send_buf, int pattern=0) | Communicator | static |
reduce_max(int count, int *recv_buf, int *send_buf, int pattern=0) | Communicator | static |
reduce_max(double) | Communicator | static |
reduce_max(float) | Communicator | static |
reduce_min(int count, double *recv_buf, double *send_buf, int pattern=0) | Communicator | static |
reduce_min(int count, float *recv_buf, float *send_buf, int pattern=0) | Communicator | static |
reduce_min(int count, int *recv_buf, int *send_buf, int pattern=0) | Communicator | static |
reduce_min(double) | Communicator | static |
reduce_min(float) | Communicator | static |
reduce_sum(int count, dcomplex *recv_buf, dcomplex *send_buf, int pattern=0) | Communicator | static |
reduce_sum(int count, double *recv_buf, double *send_buf, int pattern=0) | Communicator | static |
reduce_sum(int count, float *recv_buf, float *send_buf, int pattern=0) | Communicator | static |
reduce_sum(int count, int *recv_buf, int *send_buf, int pattern=0) | Communicator | static |
reduce_sum(dcomplex) | Communicator | static |
reduce_sum(double) | Communicator | static |
reduce_sum(float) | Communicator | static |
self() | Communicator | static |
send_1to1(int count, dcomplex *recv_buf, dcomplex *send_buf, int p_to, int p_from, int tag) | Communicator | static |
send_1to1(int count, double *recv_buf, double *send_buf, int p_to, int p_from, int tag) | Communicator | static |
send_1to1(int count, float *recv_buf, float *send_buf, int p_to, int p_from, int tag) | Communicator | static |
send_1to1(int count, int *recv_buf, int *send_buf, int p_to, int p_from, int tag) | Communicator | static |
send_init(int count, int idir, int ipm) | Communicator | static |
send_init(int count, int idir, int ipm, void *buf) | Communicator | static |
setup(int ninstance=1) | Communicator | static |
setup(const std::vector< int > &lattice_size, std::vector< int > &grid_size, int ninstance=1) | Communicator | static |
size() | Communicator | static |
status() | Communicator | static |
sync() | Communicator | static |
sync_usleep() | Communicator | static |
~Communicator() | Communicator | inlineprivate |