Ver. 2.0.2
This is the complete list of members for Communicator_impl::Base, including all inherited members.
broadcast(size_t size, void *data, int sender) | Communicator_impl::Base | static |
broadcast(size_t size, void *data, int sender) | Communicator_impl::Base | static |
exchange(size_t size, void *recv_buf, void *send_buf, int idir, int ipm, int tag) | Communicator_impl::Base | static |
exchange(size_t size, void *recv_buf, void *send_buf, int idir, int ipm, int tag) | Communicator_impl::Base | static |
reduce(int count, void *recv_buf, void *send_buf, MPI_Datatype type, MPI_Op op, int pattern) | Communicator_impl::Base | static |
reduce(int count, void *recv_buf, void *send_buf, MPI_Datatype type, MPI_Op op, int pattern) | Communicator_impl::Base | static |
send_1to1(size_t size, void *recv_buf, void *send_buf, int send_to, int recv_from, int tag) | Communicator_impl::Base | static |
send_1to1(size_t size, void *recv_buf, void *send_buf, int send_to, int recv_from, int tag) | Communicator_impl::Base | static |