Ver. 1.2.x
Bridge | |
IO_Format | IO_Format for data layout conversion from/to file |
ParameterCheck | |
SU_N | |
Test | |
Test_Eigensolver | Test of eigenvalue solver |
Test_Gauge | Test of gauge quantities |
Test_GradientFlow | Test of gradientFlow |
Test_HMC_Clover | Test of HMC update for clover fermions |
Test_HMC_Clover_Isochemical | Test of HMC update for clover fermions with isochemical potential |
Test_HMC_Clover_SF | Test of HMC update for clover fermions with SF |
Test_HMC_Quenched | Test of quenched HMC update |
Test_HMC_Wilson | Test of HMC update for Wilson fermions |
Test_HotStart | Test of hot start |
Test_IO_Data | Test of I/O |
Test_IO_GaugeConfig | Test of I/O |
Test_Mult_Clover | Test of Mult with Clover fermion |
Test_Mult_Clover_eo | Test of Mult with Clover fermion using even-odd preconditioning |
Test_Mult_Wilson | Test of Mult with Wilson fermion |
Test_Mult_Wilson_eo | Test of Mult with Wilson fermion using even-odd preconditioning |
Test_PolyakovLoop | Measurement of Polyakov loop |
Test_QuarkNumSuscept | Quark number susceptibility for the Wilson-type fermion |
Test_RandomNumbers_Mseries | Test of random number generator |
Test_RandomNumbers_MT19937 | Test of random number generator |
Test_RandomNumbers_SFMT | |
Test_Rational | Test of rational approximation of fermion operators |
Test_SF_fAfP | |
Test_ShiftSolver | Test of multishift solver |
Test_Spectrum_Clover | Test of spectroscopy with clover fermion |
Test_Spectrum_CRSMatrix | Test of CRS matrix format |
Test_Spectrum_Wilson | Test of Wilson fermion solver |
Test_TopologicalCharge | Test of Topological Charge measurement |
Test_WilsonLoop | Test of Wilson loop measurement |
yy | |
Action | Base class of HMC action class family |
Action_F_Ratio | HMC action for Hasenbusch preconditioned fermions |
Action_F_Ratio_eo | HMC action for Hasenbusch preconditioned fermions |
Action_F_Ratio_lex | HMC action for Hasenbusch preconditioned fermions |
Action_F_Rational | |
Action_F_Rational_frame | |
Action_F_Rational_frame_SF | |
Action_F_Standard | Standard fermion action for HMC |
Action_F_Standard_eo | Standard even-odd preconditioned fermion action for HMC |
Action_F_Standard_lex | Standard fermion action for HMC |
Action_F_Standard_SF | Standard fermion action with SF BC for HMC |
Action_G_Plaq | |
Action_G_Plaq_SF | HMC action class for plaquette gauge action with SF BC |
Action_G_Rectangle | |
Action_G_Rectangle_SF | |
Builder_Integrator | |
Channel | Channel class for asynchronous communication |
ChannelSet | ChannelSet class for a collection of channels |
CommonParameters | Common parameter class: provides parameters as singleton |
Communicator | Communication library which wraps MPI |
Communicator_impl | Implementation of Communicator with BGNET library |
Corr2pt_4spinor | Two-point correlator for Wilson-type fermions |
Corr2pt_Wilson_SF | Two-point correlator for Wilson-type fermions with SF BC |
Counter | Counter of time and GFlops for Blue Gene/Q at KEK |
DataIO | DataIO class for file I/O of general collection of data |
DataIO_Text | DataIO_Text class for general file I/O in plain Text format |
Decompose_Hessenberg_Cmplx | |
Decompose_LU_Cmplx | |
Decompose_LUP_Cmplx | |
Decompose_QR_Cmplx | |
Director | Manager of commonly used data object in HMC |
Director_Smear | Manager of smeared configurations |
Eigen_QR_Cmplx | |
Eigensolver | Eigensolver class for abstract base class of eigen solvers |
Eigensolver_IRLanczos | Eigenvalue solver with Implicitly Restarted Lanczos algorithm |
EvalExpr | EvalExpr class for algebraic expression in parameter strings |
FactoryTemplate | |
Field | Container of Field-type object |
Field_F | Wilson-type fermion field |
Field_F_1spinor | Staggered-type fermion field |
Field_F_SF | A class generated to add a function for the SF |
Field_G | SU(N) gauge field |
Field_G_SF | |
FieldIO | FieldIO class for file I/O of space-time distributed data |
FieldIO_Binary | FieldIO_Binary class for file I/O of Field data in binary format |
FieldIO_Binary_Parallel | FieldIO_Binary_Parallel class for file I/O of Field data in binary format using MPI parallel I/O |
FieldIO_Fortran | FieldIO_Fortran class for file I/O of Field data in Fortran binary format |
FieldIO_LIME | FieldIO_LIME class for file I/O of Field data in LIME format |
FieldIO_LIME_MPIIO | FieldIO_LIME_MPIIO class for file I/O of Field data in LIME format |
FieldIO_Text | FieldIO_Text class for file I/O of Field data in plain text format |
FieldIO_Text_4x4x4x8 | FieldIO_Text class for file I/O of Field data in plain text format |
FileUtils | File utility |
Fopr | Base class of fermion operator family |
Fopr_Chebyshev | |
Fopr_Clover | |
Fopr_Clover_eo | Even-odd Clover fermion operator |
Fopr_Clover_Isochemical | |
Fopr_Clover_SF | |
Fopr_CloverTerm | |
Fopr_CloverTerm_eo | |
Fopr_CRS | Fermion operator with CRS matrix format |
Fopr_eo | Base class of fermion operator family |
Fopr_Rational | Fermion operator for rational approximation |
Fopr_Rational_SF | |
Fopr_Smeared | Smeared fermion operator |
Fopr_Smeared_eo | Smeared fermion operator with even-odd preconditioning |
Fopr_Wilson | |
Fopr_Wilson_eo | Even-odd Wilson fermion operator |
Fopr_Wilson_Isochemical | |
Fopr_Wilson_SF | Wilson fermion operator with SF BC |
Force | Base class of fermion force calculation |
Force_F_Clover_Nf2 | |
Force_F_Clover_Nf2_Isochemical | |
Force_F_Clover_SF | |
Force_F_CloverTerm | |
Force_F_Rational | |
Force_F_Smeared | Force calculation for smeared fermion operators |
Force_F_Wilson_eo | |
Force_F_Wilson_Nf2 | |
Force_F_Wilson_Nf2_Isochemical | |
Force_F_Wilson_SF | |
ForceSmear | Base class for force calculation of smeared operators |
ForceSmear_APE | |
ForceSmear_APE_SF | |
ForceSmear_HYP | |
ForceSmear_HYP_SF | |
Fprop | |
Fprop_4spinor_lex | Get quark propagator for Fopr with 4-spinor and lexical site index |
Fprop_Standard_eo | Get quark propagator for Fopr with even-odd site index |
Fprop_Standard_lex | Get quark propagator for Fopr with lexical site index |
Fprop_Wilson_Shift | |
GammaMatrix | Gamma Matrix class |
GammaMatrixSet | Set of Gamma Matrices: basis class |
GammaMatrixSet_Chiral | Set of Gamma Matrix: chiral representation |
GammaMatrixSet_Dirac | Set of Gamma Matrix: Dirac representation |
GaugeConfig | GaugeConfig class for file I/O of gauge configuration |
GaugeConfig_SF | |
GaugeFixing | Gauge fixing |
GaugeFixing_Coulomb | Coulomb gauge fixing |
GaugeFixing_Landau | Landau gauge fixing |
GeneratorSet_Mat_SU_N | Set of SU(N) generators |
GradientFlow | |
HMC_General | |
HMC_Leapfrog | |
Index_eo | Even-odd site index |
Index_lex | Lexical site index |
Integrator | Base class of Integrator class family |
Integrator_Leapfrog | |
Integrator_Omelyan | |
Integrator_UpdateU | |
Langevin_Momentum | Langevin part of HMC for conjugate momentum to link variable |
Math_Rational | |
Math_Sign_Zolotarev | Determination of Zolotarev coefficients |
NoiseVector | Base class for noise vector generator |
NoiseVector_Z2 | Z2 Noise vector for trance calculation |
ParameterManager | Base class of parameter manager |
ParameterManager_YAML | Parameter manager with YAML parser |
Parameters | Class for parameters |
Parameters_Action_F_Rational | Action class for rational HMC |
Parameters_Action_F_Rational_frame | Action class for RHMC, with externally constructed Fopr_Rational |
Parameters_Action_F_Rational_frame_SF | Action class for RHMC, with externally constructed Fopr_Rational |
Parameters_Action_G_Plaq | HMC action class for plaquette gauge action |
Parameters_Action_G_Plaq_SF | |
Parameters_Action_G_Rectangle | HMC action class for rectangular gauge action |
Parameters_Action_G_Rectangle_SF | HMC action class for rectangular gauge action with the SF BC |
Parameters_Builder_Integrator | Builder of MD integrator for HMC |
Parameters_Director_Smear | Parameters class for Director_Smear class |
Parameters_Eigensolver_IRLanczos | |
Parameters_Field_G_SF | SU(N) gauge field class in which a few functions are added for the SF |
Parameters_Fopr_Chebyshev | Chebyshev polynomial of fermion operator |
Parameters_Fopr_Clover | Clover fermion operator |
Parameters_Fopr_Clover_eo | |
Parameters_Fopr_Clover_Isochemical | Clover fermion operator with isospin chemical potential |
Parameters_Fopr_Clover_SF | Clover fermion operator |
Parameters_Fopr_CloverTerm | Clover term operator |
Parameters_Fopr_CloverTerm_eo | Clover term operator |
Parameters_Fopr_Rational | |
Parameters_Fopr_Rational_SF | Fermion operator for rational approximation |
Parameters_Fopr_Wilson | Wilson fermion operator |
Parameters_Fopr_Wilson_eo | |
Parameters_Fopr_Wilson_Isochemical | Wilson fermion operator with isospin chemical potential |
Parameters_Fopr_Wilson_SF | |
Parameters_Force_F_Clover_Nf2 | Force calculation for clover quark action |
Parameters_Force_F_Clover_Nf2_Isochemical | Force calculation for clover quark action |
Parameters_Force_F_Clover_SF | Force calculation for clover quark action with SF BC |
Parameters_Force_F_CloverTerm | Force calculation for clover term of clover fermion |
Parameters_Force_F_Rational | Force calculation for smeared fermion operators |
Parameters_Force_F_Wilson_eo | Force for the Wilson fermion operator with even-odd precondition |
Parameters_Force_F_Wilson_Nf2 | Force for the standard Wilson fermion operator |
Parameters_Force_F_Wilson_Nf2_Isochemical | Force for the Wilson fermion operator with isospin chemical potential |
Parameters_Force_F_Wilson_SF | Force for the standard Wilson fermion operator |
Parameters_ForceSmear_APE | Recursive calculation for APE smeared fermion force |
Parameters_ForceSmear_APE_SF | Recursive calculation for APE smeared fermion force |
Parameters_ForceSmear_HYP | Recursive calculation of HYP smeared fermion force |
Parameters_ForceSmear_HYP_SF | Recursive calculation of HYP smeared fermion force with SF BC |
Parameters_Fprop_Wilson_Shift | Get shifted quark propagators |
Parameters_GaugeFixing_Coulomb | |
Parameters_GaugeFixing_Landau | |
Parameters_GradientFlow | GradientFlow construction |
Parameters_HMC_General | General HMC update class |
Parameters_HMC_Leapfrog | HMC with single level leapfrog intetgrator |
Parameters_Integrator_Leapfrog | Standard leapfrog integrator to compose MD integrator |
Parameters_Integrator_Omelyan | Omelyan integrator to compose MD integrator |
Parameters_Integrator_UpdateU | Integrator of link variable for a given conjugate momenta |
Parameters_Main | |
Parameters_Math_Rational | Determionation of coefficients of rational approximation |
Parameters_PolyakovLoop | Polyakov loop measurement |
Parameters_Projection_Maximum_SU_N | Maximum projection to SU(N) gauge group |
Parameters_Projection_Stout_SU3 | Stout(exponential)-type projection to SU(N) gauge group |
Parameters_Shiftsolver_CG | |
Parameters_Smear_APE | Parameters class for APE type link smearing |
Parameters_Smear_APE_SF | APE type smearing of link variables |
Parameters_Smear_APE_spatial | Parameters class for APE_spatial type link smearing |
Parameters_Smear_HYP | HYP smearing of link variables |
Parameters_Smear_HYP_SF | HYP smearing of link variables with SF BC |
Parameters_Solver_BiCGStab | |
Parameters_Solver_BiCGStab_Cmplx | |
Parameters_Solver_BiCGStab_DS_L_Cmplx | |
Parameters_Solver_BiCGStab_IDS_L_Cmplx | |
Parameters_Solver_BiCGStab_L_Cmplx | |
Parameters_Solver_CG | |
Parameters_Solver_CGNE | |
Parameters_Solver_CGNR | |
Parameters_Solver_GMRES_m_Cmplx | |
Parameters_Source_4spinor_Exp | Exponentially smeared source for 4-spinor fermion |
Parameters_Source_4spinor_Local | Local source for 4-spinor fermion |
Parameters_Source_Exponential | |
Parameters_Source_Local | |
Parameters_Source_MomentumWall | |
Parameters_Source_Wall | |
Parameters_Source_Wall_SF | Wall source for SF boundary propagator |
Parameters_Staples_SF | Staple construction |
Parameters_TopologicalCharge | Topological Charge measurement |
Parameters_WilsonLoop | Wilson loop measurement |
ParametersFactory | |
PolyakovLoop | |
Projection | Base class for projection operator into gauge group |
Projection_Maximum_SU_N | |
Projection_Stout_SU3 | |
QuarkNumberSusceptibility_Wilson | Quark number susceptibility for the Wilson-type fermion |
RandomNumbers | Base class of random number generators |
RandomNumbers_Mseries | Random number generator base on M-series |
RandomNumbers_MT19937 | |
ShiftField_eo | Methods to shift the even-odd field |
ShiftField_lex | Methods to shift a field in the lexical site index |
Shiftsolver | Shiftsolver class as an abstract base class for multi-shift solvers |
Shiftsolver_CG | Multishift Conjugate Gradient solver |
Smear | Base class for smearing of link variables |
Smear_APE | APE type smearing of link variables |
Smear_APE_SF | |
Smear_APE_spatial | APE type smearing of spatial link variables |
Smear_HYP | |
Smear_HYP_SF | |
Solver | Base class for linear solver class family |
Solver_BiCGStab | BiCGStab algorithm |
Solver_BiCGStab_Cmplx | BiCGStab algorithm with complex variables |
Solver_BiCGStab_DS_L_Cmplx | BiCGStab(DS_L) algorithm |
Solver_BiCGStab_IDS_L_Cmplx | BiCGStab(IDS_L) algorithm |
Solver_BiCGStab_L_Cmplx | BiCGStab(L) algorithm |
Solver_CG | Standard Conjugate Gradient solver algorithm |
Solver_CGNE | CGNE solver |
Solver_CGNR | CGNR solver |
Solver_GMRES_m_Cmplx | GMRES(m) algorithm with complex variables |
SortField | Base class for sorting pair instances (value,field) |
SortField_AbsHigh | Sorting (value,field) in descending order of abs(value) |
SortField_AbsLow | Sorting (value,field) in ascending order of abs(value) |
Source | Base class of sources for a linear solver |
Source_4spinor_Exp | |
Source_4spinor_Local | |
Source_Exponential | Exponentially smeared source for 4-spinor fermion |
Source_Local | Local source for 4-spinor fermion |
Source_MomentumWall | Momentum wall source for 4-spinor fermion |
Source_Wall | Wall source for 4-spinor fermion |
Source_Wall_SF | |
Staples | Staple construction |
Staples_eo | Staple construction |
Staples_SF | |
SymbolTable | |
TestManager | TestManager class for managing and performing tests |
ThreadManager_OpenMP | Thread manager with OpenMP |
Timer | |
TopologicalCharge | |
WilsonLoop |