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double set_iP(Field_G &iP)
Setting conjugate momenta and returns kinetic part of Hamiltonian.
Common parameter class: provides parameters as singleton.
Base class of random number generators.
double set_iP_general_SU_N(Field_G &iP)
Implementation for general value of Nc for SU(Nc) link variables.
double set_iP_SU3_alt(Field_G &iP)
Alternative of set_iP_SU3() for checking set_iP_general_SU_N().
Langevin_Momentum(RandomNumbers *rand)
Constructor requires a pointer to random number generator.
double set_iP_SU3(Field_G &iP)
Implementation for SU(3)
Langevin part of HMC for conjugate momentum to link variable.
Langevin_Momentum & operator=(const Langevin_Momentum &)
Bridge::VerboseLevel m_vl