Bridge++  Version 1.5.4
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNFileUtilsFile utility
oNImpClover term operator
oNIO_FormatIO_Format for data layout conversion from/to file
oNOrgClover term operator
oNTest_EigensolverTest of eigenvalue solver
oNTest_Eigensolver_ChebyshevTest of eigenvalue solver with Chebyshev
oNTest_Eigensolver_Clover_SFTest of eigenvalue solver
oNTest_GaugeTest of EnergyDensity
oNTest_GradientFlowTest of gradientFlow
oNTest_HMC_CloverTest of HMC update for clover fermions
oNTest_HMC_Clover_IsochemicalTest of HMC update for clover fermions with isochemical potential
oNTest_HMC_Clover_SFTest of HMC update for clover fermions with SF
oNTest_HMC_QuenchedTest of quenched HMC update
oNTest_HMC_WilsonTest of HMC update for Wilson fermions
oNTest_HotStartTest of hot start
oNTest_IO_DataTest of I/O
oNTest_IO_GaugeConfigTest of I/O
oNTest_MultTest of Mult
oNTest_Mult_eoTest of Mult with even-odd preconditioning
oNTest_Mult_WilsonTest of Mult with Wilson fermion, prepared for beginners
oNTest_PolyakovLoopMeasurement of Polyakov loop
oNTest_QuarkNumSusceptQuark number susceptibility for the Wilson-type fermion
oNTest_RandomNumbersTest of random number generator
oNTest_RandomNumbers_MseriesTest of random number generator
oNTest_RandomNumbers_MT19937Test of random number generator
oNTest_RationalTest of rational approximation of fermion operators
oNTest_Solver_WilsonTest of Solver with Wilson fermion
oNTest_SpectrumTest of spectroscopy
oNTest_Spectrum_CRSMatrixTest of CRS matrix format
oNTest_Spectrum_WilsonTest of Spectrum with Wilson fermion, prepared for beginners
oNTest_TopologicalChargeTest of Topological Charge measurement
oNTest_WilsonLoopTest of Wilson loop measurement
oCActionBase class of HMC action class family
oCAction_F_Ratio_eoHMC action for Hasenbusch preconditioned fermions
oCAction_F_Ratio_lexHMC action for Hasenbusch preconditioned fermions
oCAction_F_RationalAction class for RHMC, with externally constructed Fopr_Rational
oCAction_F_Rational_SFAction class for RHMC, with externally constructed Fopr_Rational
oCAction_F_Standard_eoStandard even-odd preconditioned fermion action for HMC
oCAction_F_Standard_lexStandard fermion action for HMC
oCAction_F_Standard_SFStandard fermion action with SF BC for HMC
oCAction_G_PlaqHMC action class for plaquette gauge action
oCAction_G_Plaq_SFHMC action class for plaquette gauge action with SF BC
oCAction_G_RectangleHMC action class for rectangular gauge action
oCAction_G_Rectangle_SFHMC action class for rectangular gauge action with the SF BC
oCActionListLists of actions at respective integrator levels
oCBuilder_IntegratorBuilder of MD integrator for HMC
oCChannelChannel class for asynchronous communication
oCChannelSetChannelSet class for a collection of channels
oCCommonParametersCommon parameter class: provides parameters as singleton
oCCommunicatorCommunication library which wraps MPI
oCCommunicator_implMPI-realisation of communicator class implementation
oCCorr2pt_4spinorTwo-point correlator for Wilson-type fermions
oCCorr2pt_Wilson_SFTwo-point correlator for Wilson-type fermions with SF BC
oCCorr4pt_4spinorFour-point correlator for Wilson-type fermions
oCDataIODataIO class for file I/O of general collection of data
oCDataIO_TextDataIO_Text class for general file I/O in plain Text format
oCDirectorManager of commonly used data object in HMC
oCDirector_SmearManager of smeared configurations
oCEigensolverEigensolver class for abstract base class of eigen solvers
oCEigensolver_IRLanczosEigenvalue solver with Implicitly Restarted Lanczos algorithm
oCEnergyDensityEnergy density measurement
oCEnergyMomentumTensorEnergy Momentum Tensor measurement
oCEpsilonTensorEpsilon tensor utility
oCEvalExprEvalExpr class for algebraic expression in parameter strings
oCFieldContainer of Field-type object
oCField_FWilson-type fermion field
oCField_F_SFA class generated to add a function for the SF
oCField_GSU(N) gauge field
oCField_G_SFSU(N) gauge field class in which a few functions are added for the SF
oCFieldIOFieldIO class for file I/O of space-time distributed data
oCFieldIO_BinaryFieldIO_Binary class for file I/O of Field data in binary format
oCFieldIO_Binary_DistributedFieldIO_Binary_Distributed class for file I/O of Field data in binary format
oCFieldIO_Binary_ParallelFieldIO_Binary_Parallel class for file I/O of Field data in binary format using MPI parallel I/O
oCFieldIO_FortranFieldIO_Fortran class for file I/O of Field data in Fortran binary format
oCFieldIO_LIMEFieldIO_LIME class for file I/O of Field data in LIME format
oCFieldIO_LIME_ParallelFieldIO_LIME_Parallel class for file I/O of Field data in LIME format
oCFieldIO_NoneFieldIO_None class for an analogue of /dev/null
oCFieldIO_TextFieldIO_Text class for file I/O of Field data in plain text format
oCFieldIO_Text_4x4x4x8FieldIO_Text class for file I/O of Field data in plain text format
oCFieldStrengthField strength construction
oCFilenameFilename utility
oCFoprBase class of fermion operator family
oCFopr_ChebyshevChebyshev polynomial of fermion operator
oCFopr_CloverClover fermion operator
oCFopr_Clover_eoEven-odd Clover fermion operator
oCFopr_Clover_IsochemicalClover fermion operator with isospin chemical potential
oCFopr_Clover_SFClover fermion operator
oCFopr_CloverGeneralClover general fermion operator
oCFopr_CRSFermion operator with CRS matrix format
oCFopr_eoBase class of fermion operator family
oCFopr_RationalFermion operator for rational approximation
oCFopr_Rational_SFFermion operator for rational approximation
oCFopr_SmearedSmeared fermion operator
oCFopr_Smeared_eoSmeared fermion operator with even-odd preconditioning
oCFopr_Wilson_IsochemicalWilson fermion operator with isospin chemical potential
oCFopr_Wilson_SFWilson fermion operator with SF BC
oCForceBase class of fermion force calculation
oCForce_F_Clover_Nf2Force calculation for clover quark action
oCForce_F_Clover_Nf2_IsochemicalForce calculation for clover quark action
oCForce_F_Clover_SFForce calculation for clover quark action with SF BC
oCForce_F_CloverTermForce calculation for clover term of clover fermion
oCForce_F_RationalForce calculation for smeared fermion operators
oCForce_F_SmearedForce calculation for smeared fermion operators
oCForce_F_Wilson_eoForce for the Wilson fermion operator with even-odd precondition
oCForce_F_Wilson_Nf2Force for the standard Wilson fermion operator
oCForce_F_Wilson_Nf2_IsochemicalForce for the Wilson fermion operator with isospin chemical potential
oCForce_F_Wilson_SFForce for the standard Wilson fermion operator
oCForce_GBase class of gauge force calculation
oCForce_G_PlaqHMC force class for plaquette gauge action
oCForce_G_Plaq_SFHMC force class for plaquette gauge force with SF BC
oCForce_G_RectangleHMC force class for rectangular gauge action
oCForce_G_Rectangle_SFHMC force class for rectangular gauge action with the SF BC
oCForceSmearBase class for force calculation of smeared operators
oCForceSmear_APERecursive calculation for APE smeared fermion force
oCForceSmear_APE_SFRecursive calculation for APE smeared fermion force
oCForceSmear_HYPRecursive calculation of HYP smeared fermion force
oCForceSmear_HYP_SFRecursive calculation of HYP smeared fermion force with SF BC
oCFpropBase class for fermion propagator class family
oCFprop_Standard_eoGet quark propagator for Fopr with even-odd site index
oCFprop_Standard_lexGet quark propagator for Fopr with lexical site index
oCFprop_Wilson_ShiftGet shifted quark propagators
oCGammaMatrixGamma Matrix class
oCGammaMatrixSetSet of Gamma Matrices: basis class
oCGammaMatrixSet_ChiralSet of Gamma Matrix: chiral representation
oCGammaMatrixSet_DiracSet of Gamma Matrix: Dirac representation
oCGaugeConfigGaugeConfig class for file I/O of gauge configuration
oCGaugeFixingGauge fixing
oCGaugeFixing_CoulombCoulomb gauge fixing
oCGaugeFixing_LandauLandau gauge fixing
oCGaugeFixing_NoneNone for gauge fixing
oCGeneratorSet_Mat_SU_NSet of SU(N) generators
oCGradientFlowGradientFlow construction
oCGradientFlow_AdaptiveRungeKuttaGradientFlow_AdaptiveRungeKutta construction
oCGradientFlow_RungeKuttaGradientFlow_RungeKutta construction
oCGradientFlow_RungeKutta_1stGradientFlow_RungeKutta_1st construction
oCGradientFlow_RungeKutta_2ndGradientFlow_RungeKutta_2nd construction
oCGradientFlow_RungeKutta_3rdGradientFlow_RungeKutta_3rd construction
oCGradientFlow_RungeKutta_4thGradientFlow_RungeKutta_4th construction
oCHMC_GeneralGeneral HMC update class
oCHMC_LeapfrogHMC with single level leapfrog intetgrator
oCIndex_eoEven-odd site index
oCIndex_lexLexical site index
oCIntegratorBase class of Integrator class family
oCIntegrator_LeapfrogStandard leapfrog integrator to compose MD integrator
oCIntegrator_OmelyanOmelyan integrator to compose MD integrator
oCIntegrator_UpdatePIntegrator of conjugate momenta for given link variables
oCIntegrator_UpdateUIntegrator of link variable for a given conjugate momenta
oCLangevin_MomentumLangevin part of HMC for conjugate momentum to link variable
oCMath_RationalDetermionation of coefficients of rational approximation
oCNoiseVectorBase class for noise vector generator
oCNoiseVector_Z2Z2 Noise vector for a trace calculation
oCParameterManagerBase class of parameter manager
oCParameterManager_YAMLParameter manager with YAML parser
oCParametersClass for parameters
oCPolyakovLoopPolyakov loop measurement
oCProjectionBase class for projection operator into gauge group
oCProjection_Maximum_SU_NMaximum projection to SU(N) gauge group
oCProjection_Stout_SU3Stout(exponential)-type projection to SU(N) gauge group
oCQuarkNumberSusceptibility_WilsonQuark number susceptibility for the Wilson-type fermion
oCRandomNumberManagerManager class for RandomNumbers
oCRandomNumbersBase class of random number generators
oCRandomNumbers_MseriesRandom number generator base on M-series
oCShiftField_eoMethods to shift the even-odd field
oCShiftField_lexMethods to shift a field in the lexical site index
oCShiftsolverShiftsolver class as an abstract base class for multi-shift solvers
oCShiftsolver_CGMultishift Conjugate Gradient solver
oCSmearBase class for smearing of link variables
oCSmear_APEAPE type smearing of link variables
oCSmear_APE_SFAPE type smearing of link variables
oCSmear_APE_spatialAPE type smearing of spatial link variables
oCSmear_HYPHYP smearing of link variables
oCSmear_HYP_SFHYP smearing of link variables with SF BC
oCSolverBase class for linear solver class family
oCSolver_BiCGStab_CmplxBiCGStab algorithm with complex variables
oCSolver_BiCGStab_DS_L_CmplxBiCGStab(DS_L) algorithm
oCSolver_BiCGStab_IDS_L_CmplxBiCGStab(IDS_L) algorithm
oCSolver_BiCGStab_L_CmplxBiCGStab(L) algorithm
oCSolver_CGStandard Conjugate Gradient solver algorithm
oCSolver_CGNECGNE solver
oCSolver_CGNRCGNR solver
oCSolver_GMRES_m_CmplxGMRES(m) algorithm with complex variables
oCSourceBase class of source for a linear solver
oCSource_ExponentialExponentially smeared source for 4-spinor fermion
oCSource_LocalLocal source for 4-spinor fermion
oCSource_MomentumWallMomentum wall source for 4-spinor fermion
oCSource_RandomRandom noise source in the space at a given timeslice
oCSource_WallWall source for 4-spinor fermion
oCSource_Wall_SFWall source for SF boundary propagator
oCStapleBase class for Staple construction
oCStaple_eoStaple construction
oCStaple_lexStaple construction
oCStaple_SFStaple construction
oCTestManagerTestManager class for managing and performing tests
oCThreadManager_OpenMPThread manager with OpenMP
oCTopologicalChargeTopological Charge measurement
\CWilsonLoopWilson loop measurement