33 int NinG = 2 * Nc * Nc;
66 assert(NvolF == Nvol);
71 Field xi(NinF, NvolF, NexF);
79 double xi2 = xi.
80 double H_psf = xi2 * xi2;
100 Field v1(NinF, NvolF, NexF);
110 double H_psf = v1 *
132 Field eta(NinF, NvolF, NexF);
146 Field force1(Nin, Nvol, Nex);
153 double Fave, Fmax, Fdev;
156 " Fstandard_ave = %12.6f Fstandard_max = %12.6f Fstandard_dev = %12.6f\n",
void detailed(const char *format,...)
static const std::string class_name
double langevin(RandomNumbers *)
Langevis step.
virtual void set_config(Field *)=0
virtual const Field mult(const Field &)=0
multiplies fermion operator to a given field and returns the resultant field.
void general(const char *format,...)
virtual void set_config(Field *)=0
setting pointer to the gauge configuration.
Container of Field-type object.
virtual void set_config(Field *)=0
double calcH()
calculate Hamiltonian of this action term.
virtual void gauss_lex_global(Field &)
gaussian random number defined on global lattice.
virtual int field_nin()=0
returns the on-site d.o.f. for which the fermion operator is defined.
void set_parameter_verboselevel(const Bridge::VerboseLevel vl)
void set_config(Field *U)
setting pointer to the gauge configuration.
virtual void invert_DdagD(Field &, const Field &, int &, double &)=0
void reset(const int Nin, const int Nvol, const int Nex, const element_type cmpl=COMPLEX)
virtual int field_nex()=0
returns the external d.o.f. for which the fermion operator is defined.
virtual void force_core(Field &, const Field &)
Bridge::VerboseLevel get_VerboseLevel() const
Bridge::VerboseLevel m_vl
Base class of random number generators.
virtual void set_mode(std::string mode)
setting the mode of multiplication if necessary. Default implementation here is just to avoid irrelev...
void stat(double &Fave, double &Fmax, double &Fdev) const
determines the statistics of the field. average, maximum value, and deviation is determined over glob...
virtual int field_nvol()=0
returns the volume for which the fermion operator is defined.
const Field force()
returns force for molcular dynamical update of conjugate momenta.