57 for (
int t = 0; t < Nt; t++) {
58 sr = cos((phi[0] + (phipr[0] - phi[0]) / Lt * (t + (
Communicator::ipe(3)) * Nt)) / Lx);
59 si = sin((phi[0] + (phipr[0] - phi[0]) / Lt * (t + (
Communicator::ipe(3)) * Nt)) / Lx);
60 utree.
set(0, 0, sr, si);
61 sr = cos((phi[1] + (phipr[1] - phi[1]) / Lt * (t + (
Communicator::ipe(3)) * Nt)) / Lx);
62 si = sin((phi[1] + (phipr[1] - phi[1]) / Lt * (t + (
Communicator::ipe(3)) * Nt)) / Lx);
63 utree.
set(1, 1, sr, si);
64 sr = cos((phi[2] + (phipr[2] - phi[2]) / Lt * (t + (
Communicator::ipe(3)) * Nt)) / Lx);
65 si = sin((phi[2] + (phipr[2] - phi[2]) / Lt * (t + (
Communicator::ipe(3)) * Nt)) / Lx);
66 utree.
set(2, 2, sr, si);
67 for (
int z = 0; z < Nz; z++) {
68 for (
int y = 0; y < Ny; y++) {
69 for (
int x = 0; x < Nx; x++) {
70 site = idx.
site(x, y, z, t);
71 for (
int mu = 0; mu < Ndim - 1; ++mu) {
80 for (
int site = 0; site < Nvol; ++site) {
85 vout.
"gauge config. was set to the tree level value with SF BC.\n");
void detailed(const char *format,...)
int site(const int &x, const int &y, const int &z, const int &t) const
Container of Field-type object.
static int ipe(const int dir)
logical coordinate of current proc.
Bridge::VerboseLevel m_vl
void set_cold_SF(Field *U, double *phi, double *phipr)
void set(int c, double re, const double &im)
void set_mat(const int site, const int mn, const Mat_SU_N &U)
static const std::string class_name